Tippy Toes
Standard Classes
(Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz)
Performance Groups
Pointe - 15 minutes
Pointe - 30 minutes
Pay by the lesson *
Private Lesson - 30 minutes
Private Lesson - 60 minutes
Shared Private Lesson - 30 minutes
Shared Private Lesson - 60 minutes
$285 per term
$285 per term
$300 per term
$75 per term
$150 per term
$40 per lesson
$90 per lesson
$110 per lesson
$50 per lesson
$60 per lesson
* Please check with your teacher to see if this option is available to you.
Frequent Dancers 2024
Frequent Dancers is back in 2024. Click here for information about this special offer.
Payment Terms
Payment is due and payable at the beginning of each term. Your prompt payment is appreciated. We generally follow up accounts over the phone if they remain unpaid for longer than 1 month after a statement is mailed.
Payment Methods
Payment by direct deposit or credit card is preferred. Visa & Mastercard are very popular. You can also pay with American Express. Please note that a 3% surcharge applies to payments by American Express. If these payment methods are inconvenient and you would prefer to pay in cash, this can also be accommodated, however please note the details below.
If paying by cash,
please insist upon a receipt from the teacher who receives the cash payment
if the teacher can't provide a receipt, please don't handover your cash payment
In the event that Dance Max cannot find your cash payment and you do not have a receipt, Dance Max will treat you as not having made the payment. This situation is uncomfortable for both parties so our clear preference is that your payment be made by direct deposit or credit card so that a clear paper trail always exists in the event that a payment is disputed.